Tributes abound: there are VHS screenings, VHS-like packaging for current films, apps that let us film VHS-style, and films about VHS (Be Kind Rewind, The Ring, Clerks)… Even the prestigious Yale library has opened a VHS department, filled with thousands of unlikely horror movies. Flaws, grain, ribbing, wear of the tape: everything cinephiles used to curse is now the height of style. The generation that grew up with those thick black boxes is crying out in nostalgia. For all those people, VHS is a piece of personal history, and it carries an abundance of memories. But few have fully realized the videotape’s true impact. Beyond fun, anecdote and amusement, VHS was the radical agent of a long-awaited change. It was a liberation of the gaze whose social and political power has spread throughout the world.
Directed By Dimitri Kourtchine
Written by Dimitri Kourtchine
Produced by Vincent Gazaigne
Duration 52'
State Catalog
Production year2017
PartnersA Talweg - ARTE France coproduction, with the support of CNC and Procirep-Angoa