• Directed By Alexandre Hilaire

  • Written by Alexandre Hilaire, with the collaboration of Guillaume Ballandras

  • Produced by Vincent Gazaigne

  • Duration 52'

  • State Catalog

  • Production year2019

  • PartnersFrance Télévisions, TV5MONDE, CNC, Procirep-Angoa

Antillean cinema has grown in the shadow of Mainland France. For fifty years, it has been fighting to exist. Stemming from the same questions and demands that have passed through African-American cinema in the 1970s, it addresses without any taboos matters of colonial heritage, identity, racism, and representation of Black actors on-screen. With excerpts from the Antilles’ great films (O Madiana, Coco La Fleur, Nèg Maron…) and with testimonies from committed filmmakers, this documentary tells the story of an ever-resisting cinema that remains unjustly little known.  

Image credit: Collection Christophe L