• Directed By Tom Sandrin

  • Written by Tom Sandrin

  • Produced by Vincent Gazaigne

  • Duration 52'

  • State Catalog

  • Production year2023

  • PartnersA Talweg - France 3 Normandie coproduction with the support of CNC and Procirep-Angoa. Developed with the support of Région Ile-de-France, Région Normandie and Brouillon d’un rêve (Scam).

Two grey foals — almost taken at random.
They were born in the same stud farm, from the same father. As close to them as possible, I film the destiny of two thoroughbreds, from their birth in Normandy to their first race — in Japan, at Chantilly, passing through auctions and training. Around them are other horses, men, and women. Throughout the different stages of the horses’ young lives, we discover how they become objects of projections, speculations and contradictory feelings. Several worlds collide: the animal world, the racing world, and the madness of the game.